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PENGU TECHNOLOGIES SA is committed to protecting the privacy of drivers who apply to ride with us, including all users of the rider mobile device application (the “PENGU DRIVERS App“) and related services. We’ll be the “data controller” of the information we collect about you.

Please read the following privacy policy which explains how and why we collect, use and protect your information.

  1. CONTACT DETAILSIf you have any queries or requests concerning this privacy policy or how we handle your data more generally, please get in touch with us using the following details.
    By contacting our Support team at:
  2. INFORMATION THAT WE COLLECT ABOUT YOUWe collect your information in a variety of ways, such as when you apply to be a PENGU driver and when you use the Drivers App. More details about how your information is collected are listed below.
    • Your rider application and account set upWhen you apply to ride with PENGU, we ask you to provide information about yourself including your name, contact details, vehicle type, date of birth, postcode, your right to work, and whether you have any unspent criminal convictions.
      During the application process, we (or a third party) will ask you to provide further information and documents, such as a copy of your passport and proof of address for criminal background checks and right to work checks. If you are required by applicable law to have a licence or insurance for your vehicle type, we’ll also ask you to provide evidence that you’re compliant with this law, as well as your vehicle registration details. We will track the progress of your application and record the results of your criminal background check.
      For your account set-up, we will ask you to provide financial (including bank details), tax and business registration information, and further information related to your services for PENGU such as contact details of your next of kin (whose details you have permission to share with us for emergency purposes), where you want to work, your kit and a photo. We record your PENGU rider payment arrangement and a copy of your signed supplier agreement with us.
    • Your locationWhen you use the Drivers App we collect information about your usage of the Rider App, including about your rider status and (when online) your order progress swipes and your location.
    • Information about your servicesWe may receive information about your services or any incident you may have been involved with from the providers who work with us our customers, other drivers or members of the public.
      If you take advantage of the perks offered by a third party partner, the partner will share information with us about your interest in those perks. We may collect information about you from the feedback you send us or provide to us through focus groups or surveys. We may request your personal data to verify your right to work, such as copies of your identification documents and/or a photograph of you.
  3. USE OF YOUR INFORMATION AND WHYWe will only process the data we collect about you if there is a reason for doing so, and if that reason is permitted under data protection law. We will have a lawful basis for processing your information if: we need to process your information for the performance of a contract with you, or at your request before we enter into a contract; we have your consent; we have a justifiable reason for processing your data; it is in the public interest for us to process your data; or we are under a legal obligation to do so.
  4. DIRECT MARKETINGWhere you have given your consent or where we have a justifiable reason for doing so (and are permitted to do so by law) we will use your information to let you know by email about PENGU’s products and services (such as kit) and/or any promotions from third parties which are designed to support your provision of services to PENGU, such as by reducing the cost to you of providing services and by helping you to provide the services more safely through special deals we find for drivers.
  5. SHARING YOUR INFORMATIONThe information we collect about you will be transferred to and stored on our servers located within the EU. We are very careful and transparent about who else your information is shared with globally.
  6. RETENTION OF YOUR INFORMATIONWe will not retain your information for any longer than we think is necessary.
  7. SECURITYWe adopt robust technologies and policies to ensure the personal information we hold about you is suitably protected.
  8. YOUR RIGHTSUnder data protection law, you may have a number of rights concerning the data we hold about you. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the contact details .For additional information on your rights, please contact your data protection authority.
  9. CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICYAny changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted to the PENGU DRIVERS App and, as appropriate, through notification in the App or by email.
    This privacy policy was last updated: 10 September 2019
  10. COMPLAINTSIf you’re not satisfied with our response to any complaint or believe our processing of your information does not comply with data protection law, you can make a complaint to the PENGU TECHNOLOGIES SA using the following details:Pengu Garage: Moisiodakos 7, Athens 115 24, New Filothei